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For Immediate Release

Prevent+Protect Benefits Program Debuts at the WVML Annual Conference

August 13, 2024


Across August 7th and 8th, Bearing Advisors’ Prevent+Protect Benefits Program made its debut with the members of the West Virginia Municipal League as an endorsed program.

As an invited speaker, Bearing Advisors hosted a solution session to share details about the program. The response from local leaders was resounding – both in terms of recognizing the crisis and seeing the Prevent+Protect program as a viable solution.

Mayor Sam Felton of Marlinton, WV shared his perspective as a former first responder. After sharing a personal story about suicide among first responder colleagues, Mayor Felton agreed that proactively supporting mental health is important, “We should do better. We depend on them.”

The Prevent+Protect Benefits Program leverages proactive tax policy to make high quality benefits more affordable, so that physical, mental, and financial wellness are more accessible to the average worker – particularly aiming to have comprehensive support for first responders.

Bearing Advisors is known as a trusted partner in bringing value-added innovation to local government, and evolving conversations with municipal leaders confirm this approach is one of value.

“I want this for all my employees,” Patty Lewis, Mayor of Granville, WV iterated during the solution session that featured the Prevent+Protect program.

In addition to municipal government, the Bearing Advisors team is also serving county-level organizations and school boards through this program. “Teachers and school staff may experience different stress than a first responder, but there’s no denying that they also bear a heavy mental load throughout the course of their workday,” responded Phil Riley, Managing Director, to questions about ways to broaden the impact across an entire community.

About Bearing Advisors, LLC
Bearing Advisors serves local communities through right-fit partnerships between local governments and innovative, private sector businesses. The Bearing Advisors’ team has more than 240 years of combined experience in and with local government. Visit

Emily White, Vice President of Marketing
833-270-2500 ext. 110